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Call Congress to support afterschool and summer learning programs

Reach out to House and Senate Appropriators to protect afterschool choices

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Implications of Proposed FY18 Budget

President Trump's proposed budget for FY 2018 eliminates or severely cuts many programs that support youth, families, and communities.

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Stand Up Against Devastating Cuts in Programs for Youth and Families

Reach out to your Senators and Congresspersons to Protect the Multiple programs that Support Community Schools

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Afterschool and summer learning need your support

Reach out to House and Senate Appropriators to protect afterschool choices

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Support 21st CCLC Afterschool and Summer Learning Programs

Reach out to House and Senate Appropriators in support of 21st CCLC funding

Congress: Thank you for supporting afterschool & summer learning in ESEA

Support funding for afterschool in FY2016 spending bill

Nourish minds and bodies through support of the Summer Meals Act

Strengthen the Summer Food and Afterschool Meals programs in Child Nutrition Reauthorization