Urging Support for Afterschool and Summer Learning Funding in FY 2025
While the process has been delayed, Congress is now starting work on their FY 2025 Labor, HHS, Education spending bills. Spending caps put in place in 2023 mean that it is critical your members of Congress hear about the programs that are the utmost priority for your community. Please reach out to your members of Congress to thank them for
their past support and call on them to increase funding for the Nita M.
Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center (21st CCLC) initiative –
the only federal funding stream dedicated to supporting local school and
community-based afterschool, before-school, and summer learning
programs. Increased funding is also needed for the Child Care
Development Block Grant, which can help parents provide school-age
afterschool and summer programs to their children. The
families of approximately 25 million children are unable to access an
afterschool program. A significant funding increase will help programs
cover growing costs and meet the nationwide demand for programs. Please
take two minutes to send a message to Congress in support of afterschool
and summer learning programs.