Don't cut afterschool for 100,000 kids!
Last year, the House voted to support an afterschool amendment restoring $100 million in cuts to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers and protecting afterschool for 100,000 students. The House action followed the Senate Appropriations Committee vote in early September to fund afterschool without any cuts, keeping 21st Century Community Learning Centers authorized at $1.192 billion for 2018. That’s a huge victory, but it still leaves a disparity of about $100 million between the House and Senate numbers.
The appropriations process isn’t over yet! There’s still time to connect with your representatives and urge them to adopt the Senate number in the 2018 spending omnibus — saving afterschool for almost 100,000 kids.
Your representatives need to hear what afterschool means to your community! Contact your representatives on Capitol Hill and ask them to restore the funding for afterschool.