
Community Partnerships in Education Act of 2017

HR 4272 : To include community partners and intermediaries in the planning and delivery of education and related programs, and for other purposes.


This bill is from the 115th Congress.

Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. November 7, 2017

Read the Official Bill Text

The Community Partnerships in Education Act of 2017 will strengthen the role of intermediary organizations in providing access to high quality education programs, particularly within career and technical education and higher education programs. The bill would strengthen the role of these organizations by requiring consultation with community partners and intermediary organizations in the development of federal TRIO programs and state and local career and technical education (CTE) programs.  It would also emphasize the importance of attaining 21stCentury Skills as a critical element of CTE programs, TRIO, and Upward Bound programs.  Finally, this legislation would expand the role of community partners in college readiness and high school equivalency programs.